All the gifts and goodies have been opened, all the food has been consumed, all the love and laughter are safely locked in our hearts and memories for years to come... Another Advent season is coming to pass, another year beckons with new hope.
I watched my two children, Aaron and Calliya, as they opened the gifts that we carefully chose for them, and although I loved seeing the look of pure amazement and joy in their faces, I found myself asking the Lord what would be a lasting gift that I can really give them.
That's what gave birth to this blog. I remembered Papa, whom I had for thirteen years, and to this day I can command a vivid image of him, with powerful memories and special emotions that come with it. His love and memory have made such a big difference in my life, and is one of the best gifts of my entire life. So I guess it may sound cliche, but it really is true.
The best gift we can give others is our SELF.
And so this Christmas, as we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, the ONE who taught us what it truly meant to give of one's very self to another, I humbly offer to all my loved ones this simple gift of my self -
Issa Cuevas-Santos
Wife, Mom and Missionary
This is all that I am, and all I hope to ever be. You are a big part of this amazing journey, and though I can never repay your kindness, I hope to pay forward as I strive to serve my husband, my family and my God the best way I can.
This is all that I am, and all I hope to ever be. You are a big part of this amazing journey, and though I can never repay your kindness, I hope to pay forward as I strive to serve my husband, my family and my God the best way I can.
One day, I hope my children will get a chance to read this, and realize just how much they are truly and deeply loved by me and their father. Aaron, you just turned five. Calliya, you are barely two years old. Soon, you will both learn how to read and I look forward to sharing this journal with you.
My husband Manny, I know you will read this more than anyone else in the world (what a stalker!). And so I want to tell you over and over again that I truly and deeply love you, and I thank the Lord everyday that He chose you to be my partner for life. You are more than what I even dared to hope for, and you are proof of God's infinite love for me. With you by my side, life is always an exciting journey.
Family, friends and co-servants in the mission, allow me to thank you for everything that you have done for me. Before I was a wife, mom and missionary, I was first a daughter, grand-daughter, niece and friend, and your love somehow got me to this really wonderful place in my life despite the challenges in my earlier years. The challenges continue, but your love and support allows me to wake up everyday with joy and contentment, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with all of you.
Merry Christmas!